To date, Wilder World have put forward two proposals; the zDAO proposal and the Contract Isolation proposal. Here you can review the details and outcome of both proposals.
📜 zDAO Proposal 0
zDAO underwent a 90 day experimentation phase to test a specific governance structure developed by our team. The first proposal ran through the Moto DAO and was used as the primary source of testing. For full details on Proposal 0 please refer to the zDAO Proposal 0 zine. Summary Proposal 0 was a community outreach initiative that utilized Wilder Motos from the Moto DAO as tools to open doors to previously untouched environments where the story of Wilder World can be told and the broader NFT space can become educated about our project.
This Proposal was designed to increase awareness of Wilder World in the NFT space, reduce the number of NFTs held in the Moto DAO, boost the project’s cultural relevance, birth new relationships between Team Wilder and other outstanding Web3 projects, and bring forth new people and increased NFT demand into The Wilder Nation.
The primary goals of Proposal 0 were as follows:
18 wallets that previously did not hold a Wilder World NFT asset will a Moto Genesis NFT given away as a part of the Proposal 0 initiative at the end of three months (.7% increase of holder base).
To reduce the number of Motos within the Moto DAO (1,564) by 60
That 3 recipients of Motos go on to form a Trinity by December 31st, 2022
That 3 recipients of Motos purchase land in the Wiami land sale.
Proposal 0 results - TLDR
Proposal 0 has generated 32 new Wilder NFT holders, 77.8% more than our established goal
Two new Trinities were formed as a result of Proposal 0: one by a Moto giveaway winner and one by a Spaces audience member
Of the 60 Motos given away, 25 were sold by recipients
Proposal 0 Twitter Spaces events reached 9,216 listeners
Full details on results can be seen in the Proposal 0 Recap. The success of the Proposal 0 was assessed both internally, and in collaboration with The Wilder Nation, during a Discord AMA that took place on November 4th at 10:00am PDT.
✍️ Contract Isolation
The Proposal to Isolate Contracts
How did the Contract Isolation come about? This section provides details on the proposal to isolate contracts. On May 25th, 2023, we announced a proposal to isolate 6 of the 7 NFT collections on the main Wilder World NFT contract into separate collections.
These include: 💠 Wilder Cribs 💠 Wilder Crafts 💠 Air Wild Season 0 💠 Air Wild Season 1 💠 Wilder Guild 💠 WOW Posters 💠 Wilder Wheels will retain the same contract address as well as legacy.
The Voting Proposal
✨ Benefits of Isolating Collections
👉 To enable proper DAO voting for all NFT industries. 👉 To simplify browsing specific collections, easily compare like assets when collecting. 👉 To enforce royalties through updated contracts, benefiting industry DAOs. 👉 Easy identification of Genesis assets and collections for Trinity snapshots and future rewards. 👉 NFTs will be renamed to follow the naming convention of other WW collections (IE: Wheel #369).
✅ Execution Information
💠 The mechanism will be to Burn and Swap by updating the current NFT JPEG to indicate the need for an upgrade. We will then use admin rights and the upgrade function in the contracts to burn existing NFTs and reissue them on new collection contracts.
💠 The Wheels industry DAO would be responsible for covering the cost of the contract updates. These funds would be removed once the contract updates are finalized.
✍️Pros and Cons
👍 PROS: 💎 No action required from holders 💎 Won't need to perform any transactions 💎 Zero fees incurred by the community 💎 Clean swap without any lingering NFTs or collections
👎 CONS: ⌛ Systems may not recognize new NFTs without adjustments (3rd party staking) ⌛ Requires coordination with the community and 3rd party systems ⌛ Potential unforeseen effects
📜Contract Isolation Execution
The trading freeze was the time window in which we highly recommended holders to hang on to their assets and refrain from trades of any kind including on all marketplaces and transfers to other wallets, even including your own. We initiated the trading freeze period 24 hours before and held until 24 hours after the Contract Isolation Period ended. A snapshot was taken at the start of the trading freeze to verify token IDs and holder wallets.
The Trading Freeze Period lasted from Tuesday, Sept 19th at 9:00 AM PDT - Sat, Sept 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT.
The Contract Isolation took place over the course of 48 hours, from Wednesday, Sept. 20th, at 9:00 AM PDT - Friday, Sept. 22nd, 9:00 AM PDT and occured in Three Stages.
Details of the stages were as follows:
Step 1: QC and prepare transfer for all new tokens to the new WW Vault wallet.
Step 2: Pulling old Guild/WOW and AWS1 tokens from all holder wallets.
Step 3: Tokens to be re-issued to holders from the new collection contract. We won’t pull and re-issue the AWS1 collection until the Guild collection has been fully re-issued and verified on-chain that the same token holders are holding the new token.
Step 1: QC and prepare transfer for all AWS0 Kicks.
Step 2: Pull old AWS0 tokens from all holder wallets.
Step 3: Tokens to be re-issued to holders from the new collection contract. We won’t pull and re-issue the next collection until the previous has been fully re-issued and verified on-chain that the same holders are holding the new token.
Step 4: Repeat steps for Crafts and Cribs.
Step 1: We will update all new collection contracts on OpenSea to reflect accurate banners, profile photos and descriptions.
Step 2: We will contact OpenSea to update the new Wilder World deployer wallet so it is reflected as the collection creator on OpenSea.
Step 3: A public announcement will be made in the announcements channel on Discord to verify the completion of the contract isolation once these three stages have been carried out in full. Our target date for completon is no later than EOD on Friday, Sept 22nd.
✅ Clarifications & Changes
Asset Names:
Asset names will remain the same for AWS0 Kicks, AWS1 Kicks, Cribs and the Wilder Guild.
Crafts were renamed: New Craft names will follow the format ‘Craft #001’ and will be assigned based on mint order.
Wheels were renamed: New Wheel names will follow the format Wheel #001’ and will be assigned based on mint order.
Token IDs:
Token IDs will remain the same on AWS0, AWS1, Crafts and Cribs.
Token IDs for the all Wilder Guild and WOW Poster 0 tokens were updated.
New Contract Addresses:
The new contract addresses have been updated in Official Links, Wiki and are also reflected in the Rarity and Sales bots.
Wilder Concept and WOW Poster 1 were burned and not reissued as they were not minted out and are held by internal wallets.
Wallet Addresses:
The hot wallet was used to create the contracts and deploy the tokens: 0xb72EE8e3A9599E610F470A790a61A58a69fe39Df
Collection contract ownership was transferred to a secure wallet and tokens distributed to holders.
The secure wallet will act as the new Wilder World Vault wallet: 0x3Ef5156753450f5F1B100412cc54139B61982426
The Guild contract and tokens were reissued using a different system, which came from this wallet: 0xC46ADfd9E579F564da931925986c18beB693DC40
Contract Isolation Fees
We processed a $50,000 transaction in ETH (29.76 ETH spot price as of midnight 10/23) to cover fees for the work carried out for the contract isolation.
This was previously approved by Wheels DAO vote on snapshot, that can be viewed here:
The Tx Link can also be viewed here:
The vote was run through and was open to all NFT holders on the main Wilder World NFT contract.
📅 Important Proposal Dates
👉 Voting Poll Opened: June 1, 12 PM PDT. 👉 Voting Poll Closed: June 10, 12 PM PDT
🎙️ On Tuesday May 30th 2023, Sunshine and Frank hosted a Contract Isolation Proposal Open Forum AMA with the Discord Community. Catch up with the recording here.
The proposal passed with 419 votes (96 voters) in favour for and 3 votes (1 voter) against isolation of the main contracts. 👉 Contract Isolation Proposal Voting Spreadsheet 👉 Contract Isolation Proposal Voting Site Stay tuned with Discord and Telegram announcements for an update on the implementation and time frame for isolating contracts.
❓ What is the Proposal to Isolate Collections from the Main Wilder World NFT Contract about? 💠 Wilder World originally consolidated the first seven NFT collections on the main Wilder World Contact Address. The proposal aims to isolate each individual collection on its own contract so that we can enact further functions of Industry DAOs and Collections. ❓ The proposed isolation will take 6 of the 7 NFT collections from the main WW NFT contract and places them into separate individual contracts. Wilder Wheels will retain the original contract address and keep the legacy contract information and stats.
The collections affected will include:
💠 Wilder Cribs 💠 Wilder Crafts 💠 Air Wild Season 0 💠 Air Wild Season 1 💠 Wilder Guild 💠 WOW Posters
❓What were the options for voting? 💠 Options for voting on this proposal were a simple Y or N vote where Y= Yes and N = No.
❓ Why was this vote necessary? 💠 This will be required to enact true DAO voting and unlock metropolis. We are also unable to execute some of the intended DAO and Collection functionalities like creating specialized gated channels for just one collection or Industry.
❓ Isolating NFT collections in Wilder World will enhance functionality and support future developments to: 💠 Enable proper DAO voting for all NFT industries and allow specialized gated experiences to exist. 💠 Simplify browsing specific collection on OS, easily compare like assets when collecting. 💠 Enforce royalties through updated contracts, benefiting industry DAOs. 💠 Easy to identify Genesis assets and collections for Trinity snapshots and future rewards. 💠 Having new NFTs follow the proper NFT naming conventions.|
❓ Who was eligible to vote? 💠 Those who hold NFTS from the main WW NFT Contract Address (0xc2e9678a71e50e5aed036e00e9c5caeb1ac5987d) will be eligible for voting. 💠 Voting Power (aka number of total votes per holder) will be determined based on the total number of assets held from this contract address.
❓ Could a Gnosis Safe Multi-sig wallet vote? Yes, see instructions here on how to vote using Gnosis:
❓ Where was the vote held? 💠 We will be running this vote through snapshot from June 1 - June 10th 12 PM PDT. The option that has the most votes by the end of the voting period will win. This is a widespread community vote, as this will greatly impact the entire WW project.
❓What were the voting time frame? 👉 Announcement of proposal: May 25th, 2023 👉 Vote Poll Opened - June 1 - 12 PM PDT 👉 Vote Poll Closeed - June 10 -12 PM PDT
❓ How many NFTs will this impact? 💠 We estimate that this update will impact roughly ~950 NFTs, some of which are owned by the community or DAO and some have not been purchased. WOW Posters 0 will be moved to the Guild Contract and WOW poster 1 will be burned as it was never purchased. Wilder Concept will be burned (as no one purchased them). ❓How will this proposal, if enacted, impact my NFT? 💠 During the execution phase, if your NFT is part of Wilder Cribs, Wilder Crafts, Air Wild Season 0, Air Wild Season 1, Wilder Guild or WOW Posters, your NFT will be impacted with a metadata update that will signal on your asset JPEG the changes being made including the trading freeze. ❓ How will this update impact my transaction history on the blockchain? 💠 After the execution phase, if your NFT is part of Wilder Cribs, Wilder Crafts, Air Wild Season 0, Air Wild Season 1, Wilder Guild or WOW Posters, the trading history for these assets will be cleared. Trading history will essentially begin at 0 for your asset and the new collection. ❓ What will happen to previously flagged NFTs on OS? 💠 We are currently scraping the blockchain to understand how many NFTs are currently flagged. We will communicate flagged assets to OpenSea, however, this will ultimately be up to OS to re-flag reissued NFTs.
❓ What will happen to NFTs being staked or used on 3rd Party Services (ie: lending, staking, etc)? 💠 We are currently scraping the blockchain to understand how many NFTs are currently being lent or staked on 3rd party platforms. We highly advise Wilders to unstake and reclaim NFTs into the owner wallet where you’d like to receive your new token. We encourage you to avoid the use of 3rd party services during the execution process. ❓ What is the cost of the isolation process and who will pay for this? 💠 We estimate this project could cost around ~$50K (~$20K for on-chain fees and ~$30K in development). The Wheels Industry DAO will be covering the costs of these updates.
❓What is the process for submitting queries for customer support regarding a specific NFT? 💠 Please open up ticket in the Wilder World “WilderWorld” tag to open your ticket and our Community Team can support you from there.
Last updated